SCMP: Media Meets Tech

August 27, 2018
Last updated on
March 13, 2024

At Xccelerate, we make it our mission to drive global awareness towards the imminent need for equipping individuals and organizations with the skills needed to stay relevant and responsibly productive in a tech-driven future. Throughout our blog, we like to highlight those that are proactively taking steps in this direction.

South China Morning Post’s New Identity

Keeping up to date with technological advances and education is now more important than ever, and both Xccelerate and South China Morning Post can agree on this.

SCMP’s decision on betting in technology to transform the leading news media company and re-positioning it as Media meets Tech, is a progressive move which is meant to reflect the media giant’s core values.

Since January 2017, with Gary Liu stepping in as the new CEO, South China Morning Post has been positioning itself as a brand new global media company, more than only a storied newspaper. Aware of the imminent technological changes that businesses have to go through in order to stay relevant in the market, SCMP has undergone a whole transformation both within the company’s structure and with the rebranding of its image.

Transforming structure and processes are among the most important for any media company as the industry evolves, which is why SCMP decided to redesign their whole concept. SCMP has realized that the way they deliver the news to their consumers needs to change and evolve alongside the technological advancements happening nowadays. Now, more than being interested in printing a daily broadsheet newspaper, SCMP has acknowledged that news have a 24-hour cycle and that they must focus in delivering real-time news through digital platforms accessible to everyone at any time.
For the past months, SCMP has overturned their old data infrastructure, built a proprietary data warehouse, introduced automated reporting algorithms, and incorporated new third-party business intelligence platforms into its system.

Results of this cultural shift are evident through a brief walk-around of the companies new HQ in the high-traffic Times Square at Causeway Bay, where staff are encouraged to move about freely, immersed in interactive tech around every corner.

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Changing the mindset of an entire populace is no easy task, and this is something we knew at Xccelerate when we made it our mission to bridge the tech skills gap. Alongside key like-minded influencers like the South China Morning Post, we believe that the message can be amplified and adopted in time for individuals and organizations alike to make the necessary adjustments for a prosperous future.

If you are conscious of having to up-skill your personal abilities, as well as the general skills of your whole hired staff in order to keep up to date with technological changes, than we have something for you:

Give us 30 mins and we'll give you the information you need to decide if your team (or you) can take their performance to new levels. Retraining is more cost-effective than hiring new talent in many cases.

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