XCCELERATE STORIES: From Chef to Software Engineer

Kay Hui
February 3, 2020
Last updated on
June 26, 2024


Being a game developer has been Karyu’s dream since childhood, but he didn't get the chance to go into the field. Last year, he decided to pursue the dream by taking a 4 months software engineering bootcamp in Xccelerate.

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"My end goal is to give people happiness, being a software engineer was always my dream, now I achieved it."

Karyu Kawamura - Full-Time Software Engineering Bootcamp Graduate

Thanks Karyu for the interview! Can you share your background story with us? Why did you want to change your career?

Hi everyone! My name is Karyu Kawamura, I am from Japan originally, but I have been living in Hong Kong for 20 years. Before joining Xccelerate's bootcamp I worked in different types of cuisine from all around the world e.g. Spanish, Chinese and Japanese.

As I like making things whether it’s creative or something people want, but the goal is I just want to give people what they really want. I want to give them a little bit of happiness that I have built.

Being a developer is always what I wanted to pursue but I never came to finish it, now I think it’s the time to pursue this passion.

How was your study experience here?

To be honest I didn’t think the environment would be as fun as it was. My classmates are very vocal, they like sharing, they talk a lot, they are very fun people. I am very glad that I was in that specific class. Also, the instructors are great, they are very nice, very patient with everything that we did. I wouldn’t be able to achieve this without them.

What are the differences between being a programmer and a chef?

I think there are quite a lot of differences, mainly self-discipline. As a programmer you have to be your almost best, try to work things out and fully understand what you can’t do in your own power. But as a chef you may rely on a lot of teamwork.

Can you describe how the career team helped you in finding your job?

Sure! I have a very specific company in mind that I want to work with, and a certain area that I want to develop. They have a very wide range of help for us in terms of different companies they work with, different partnerships they have built over these years. In the future, if for any reason I am looking for a certain job, or maybe a help. I am sure they will be willing to do that.

What are your expectations from your future career?

There are many new things that I need to learn, so within the next 3 years I would like to master the new languages that I am about to learn and the current new engines that I am about to look at. By 5 years, I would like to produce something of my own.

Thank you Karyu!

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Our observation of Karyu is that he is a joyful and passionate person. Creating happiness for people is not an easy task, but Karyu chose to do it in his own way. Coincidentally, Xccelerate believes tech education can change people’s life and leads to happiness. If you are also interested in the technology industry, or want to know about Xcraterate's Full-Time Bootcamp, feel free to contact us for consultation or visit xccelerate.co to learn more!

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