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How to Become a UX Designer in Hong Kong
What is Python and why you should learn it for data science
Ivan 參與了我們的 Fresh Tech Program。為何一個音樂教育者會冒險進入軟件開發的領域? 透過這篇文章,分享他就讀Xccelerate全日制軟件工程課程時的經歷和感想。
Ivan joined our 'Fresh Tech Program,' a scholarship we implemented to make learning practical tech skills more accessible to recent university graduates.
FinTech, in a nutshell, means the integration of financial service and technology. Read this article to get some guidance
We had a nice chat with Reap at our hiring night. Check out this blog to see their thoughts on Good Tech Hire
Recently completed Xccelerate's 4-month immersive bootcamp in Data Science and Machine Learning