As you may have noticed, we’ve designed a new logo for our brand.
In our refreshed brand image we want to capture what it means to provide a platform for you to make dynamic changes in your life, whether it be to hit the reset button with a new, exciting and ever more relevant career in tech, or compliment your current path with todays most in-demand skill sets, like data science, or harnessing the power of transformative technologies like deep learning and blockchain.
Join as you are, and graduate with skills and knowledge that will open doors for a dynamic new future; like an explosion of opportunity.
That’s our interpretation of the new logo.
What defines a “good” brand is not only within its logo or a clever name but rather the quality of its product and the enchanting experience it provides customers.
All of our success is on the shoulders of an amazing community that is growing at a staggering rate, between individuals looking to upskill and enhance their career, companies looking to evolve the knowledge of their teams with us and hiring partners seeking the cutting-edge talent that are graduating from our courses (people like you). We’re delighted to be able to serve on so many levels!
Sufficient to say, we’ve come a long way since our founding just over a year ago:
Our 6th Full-Time Immersive Coding Bootcamp cohort has just kicked off with the 5th halfway complete. 4 full-time cohorts have graduated with a 90% job placement rate as software engineers and over 200 students have graduated from both full-time and part-time courses combined.
There’s a long way to go on our journey as a startup making an impact in a world evolving at an ever hastening rate, but here we are. Thanks for taking the journey with us.
這個更新是為了讓Xccelerate的品牌形象能夠更具象地表現我們的願景 - 無論你尋求的是在富挑戰性的科技界開展事業,或是在現有事業上增添有關流行新科技的知識,諸如數據科學 (Data Science),深度學習 (Deep Learning) 和區鏈塊科技(Blockchain), Xccelerate皆是一個讓你擁有積極轉變的平台。在Xccelerate, 不僅你的技能有所精進,更可讓你在事業上有更上一層樓。這就是Xccelerate的期許,也是我們希望這個新標誌能夠傳遞的意義。
我們深信,一個好的品牌,並不止於設計一個漂亮的標誌,起一個響亮的名字;一個好的品牌,服務及產品質素更為重要。 我們的成功,建基於我們急速增長的社群,社群中有的尋求個人在事業上的突破,有的是力求集體進步的商業團隊;當中也包含了我們的招聘夥伴,積極尋求在我們的畢業生當中物色優秀人才加入。這些多元化的元素共冶一爐,是我們十分樂見的事,更期望將來能繼續服務這個令人激奮的社群。
回望過去,在Xccelerate始創的一年,我們收穫良多。我們過去一年的綜合全職及兼讀課程的畢業學員總數已超過200人。 當中,連同剛於3月開學的第6屆全職軟體開發課程,已經有六屆全職學員修讀;當中已畢業的4屆學員中,超過9成的畢業生已成功轉業為軟件工程師。