Xccelerate Stories: Switching Keyboards

Kay Hui
August 9, 2019
Last updated on
March 13, 2024


Ivan is currently enrolled in our Full-Time Immersive Software Engineering Bootcamp. We were inspired by his decision to enroll and asked him to share his story with us for our readers.

“All I’m doing now is playing another keyboard.”

Many might wonder how or why a music educator, of all people, would venture into the software development world. At heart I enjoy the process of learning and discovering new ideas, and applying them to solving real-world problems.

After graduating with a business degree, I took on the challenge of combining that knowledge with my lifelong passion in music. In 2016, I founded my own music centre to bring more attention to this form of art by mentoring young aspiring musicians. As a community, we have shared music with audiences all over Hong Kong through our events and concerts, and I thoroughly enjoy the intimacy and deep satisfaction performing in concert halls.

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At this stage, I feel that my impact and contribution could still be bigger, as art is ultimately about personal and individual devotion. At the same time, having invested most of my time in managing the day-to-day operations of my own business, I would like to dive back into learning new things and strive for higher personal growth. Having built my own music centre’s website, I am fascinated by the technologies behind the countless modern web and mobile applications we take for granted every day, and I would love to be part of building the future of the world.

Learning at Xccelerate’s immersive software engineering bootcamp has rejuvenated my passion for excellence. Under the full guidance and support from my instructors, I have been exploring code development with a group of diverse and highly-motivated classmates for around a month. Just in this short timeframe, we are now able to create websites and web-applications in the front-end.

Our first product is a fully-interactive online paint application using the Canvas API. At the beginning, it felt like an immense challenge for all of us, given the amount of functionality (i.e. draw, shapes, fill, colours, brushes, stamps, redo-undos…) we had to build in just a week’s time. To climb up the steep learning curve, our team researched deeply into the technologies required and carried out many iterations. In addition to engineering the code, I have also integrated it into an elegant user interface with my previous experience in design.

Our instructors were also highly resourceful in helping us debug and perfect our code along the way. We are very proud of our end-result, which is currently hosted on Surge.

After this Canvas project, we are now exploring the backend side of code development in Node.js. I can’t wait to take advantage of this technology to build even more powerful applications in the future.

We will continue to follow Ivan’s journey through the remainder of the program. If you are interested in checking out the immersive program for yourself, get in touch with our admissions director aka.c@xccelerate.co for a consultation.