What are
Guided Courses?

Previously known as Immersive courses -Guided courses are designed for students who want to dive deep into a subject and emerge with a strong foundation in a short period of time.

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Data Science & ML
Taught in
6 weeks or
5 months
User Experience Design
Taught in
6 weeks or
5 months

Learn Tech with real mentors and have fun

With online live coursework and hands-on mentorship, students will gain practical experience and real-world skills in a gamified experience.

Constant instructor support
Got a question and need help? You will always have access to our team of instructors
Project-based learning
Extensive industry-level projects that allow you to practice and apply your newfound skills directly
Professional certificate
Successfully complete our programs to receive a professionally recognized certificate
Career-oriented curriculum
Got a question and need help? You will always have access to our team of instructors
Flexible learning models
Live lessons delivered online, with lifetime access to recordings, or on-demand content
Learn with a vibrant community
We connect you to thousands of other students who will learn alongside you

Secure Your Dream Job with Guided Courses

Find and signup your desired course
Learn anywhere, anytime at your own pace
Complete the assignments
Get Mentorship and Career Support
Goal 🚀
Seek and land for your Dream Job

Frequently Asked Questions

If you still have questions or you're unsure about which course is right for you, send us an email or schedule a free call to find out more.

I do not have any tech background. Are these courses suitable for me?

Our learning programs are for absolute beginners. We teach from zero and expect you to have job-ready skills after the course.  While having pre-existing hard tech skills before the course is not entirely required, we highly recommend completing pre-course prep work that will be assigned before the course begins to best set you up to succeed.

The immersive courses are engineered to produce the best possible outcomes within 22 weeks, therefore students should fully understand the commitment and work ethic required to complete the program.

Would there be any trial classes for me to have a basic understanding of the courses?

We do offer trial classes regularly. Check out our event page for updates. Subscribing to our email list and following us on social media can get you the most up-to-date information!

How many students are usually in the Guided courses? Can instructors properly take care of all students in a large class?

There are usually around 10-15 students within each guided course. In terms of in-house support offered by Xccelerate, our instructors are constantly available through dedicated channels that we have so that students can be walked through the course on a step-by-step level.

What do I need to bring to the class? Are there any textbooks required for the course?

You will be required to bring your own laptop and your aspiration to succeed. No textbooks are needed as we will provide the resources in our online system. If you have any concerns about whether or not your laptop will be appropriate for the course content, we are happy to review the advised technical standards with you.

What if I have to miss some classes?

Class recordings and online streaming services are available. While these options are suitable for catching up if you absolutely must miss a class, we do not recommend replacing the original intended experience with these emergency options

Video aside, most students opt to receive any class outlines from the instructor and meet with them briefly for any questions or concerns regarding course content.

Are there any exams on the course?

Our fluid outcomes-based education system means that you will not come across exams in our course. Most of our courses are project-based, with continuous reviews to ensure your dedication is rewarding. However, constant check-ups will be conducted with various formats, e.g. small quizzes and weekly challenges, to understand students’ progress.

How can I graduate from the course?

Your final project, participation, and effort in classes and presentations are all considered when issuing you your final certification. As an institution, we take pride in the value of an Xccelerate certificate and reserve the right to withhold it under extreme circumstances where a student has shown little effort to succeed.

What certificate will I get after the course?

You will receive a digital certificate of graduation issued by us if you have attained an 80% attendance rate and have shown dedication to excel in every project you did in the course. Your success is our success.

The certificate can be printed or even featured on your LinkedIn page to showcase your proficiency in the skills you’ve learned.

Are there any instalment options?

Unfortunately, we do not offer instalment options, but we offer many different discounts and scholarships. Please contact our Admissions Manager at +852 6495 6263 for more details.

Do I need to pay for the software used in the class?

In most cases, the software used within the duration of a course is included in tuition. If exceptions exist, you will be notified of your options before the course start date.

What career support is offered by Xccelerate during the Guided courses?

Our specialized team, Xccelerate Talent Solutions, will follow through your 22-week learning journey to give the most robust career support possible. We host CV-building workshops, Portfolio-building, Networking events, and Mock interviews to give the students the best chance of getting their dream job!

We will also put you in touch with our networks and allow you to present your ideas to them. At the end of the program, students would form groups to participate in a capstone project, which is like a final-year project at your university. You would present it on our talent night before our hiring partners.

Is a job guaranteed upon completion of the Guided course programs?

We currently do not guarantee a job upon program completion as many variables are involved. As one might imagine, students who put complete focus and effort into the immersive program DO have a very high likelihood of acquiring a job post (or often even before) graduation. Historically speaking, the students who struggled in their job search were those who took the course program very casually. We aggressively address this from day one, especially if we notice a student's struggle or lack of motivation early on.

We have an extensive network of hiring partners that we keep in touch with and invite to hiring events. After the course, you are expected to be employment-ready, CV-ready, and portfolio-ready. It means that you will acquire a certain level of skills that allow you to deal with real industrial problems, we will provide support on your CV creation and interview skills, and you will have created your own portfolio to prove your work to your future employers. Therefore, although we do not guarantee placement, we have a very high success rate in job placement amongst students who take full advantage of the program.