Top 10 Uses of Python in Business

Xccelerate HK
May 22, 2021
Last updated on
June 14, 2024


Top 10 Uses of Python in Business

Python is often recommended as a first programming language because it is concise and easy to read. It is also relatively simple to write programs compared to other languages. This makes it a good choice for beginners who want to get started coding quickly. All the latest and greatest happenings in the world of data science and machine learning these days seem to end up with Python programming language.

In this blog, Let’s take a closer look at what is Python, why you should learn Python, Python usage in business, and how you can start learning it such as a Python course in Coding Bootcamp Hong Kong.

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What is Python?

Python is a versatile programming language that can be used for a variety of tasks, from building websites to conducting data analysis and software testing. Its ease of use and general-purpose nature make it one of the most popular programming languages today. Since Python is interpreted language, meaning that code can be run without being compiled first. It is incontestable that Python has become a highly preferred and the fastest-growing language as indicated by Stack Overflow's 2019 Developer Survey. Python has been among the top 10 popular programming languages in 2017, as TIOBE Programming Community Index indicates. For developers ploughing -- or wanting to plough -- the field of both data science and AI-based deep learning algorithm development, Python is an omnipotent and robust general-purpose, interpretable, high-level programming language. It is beginner-friendly, making it the most in-demand programming language for companies.

The use of Python for developing modern applications has exploded due to Data Science and Machine Learning (ML). Businesses across the globe rely highly on these two tech twins to stay resilient and competitive among their closest rivals. Python is therefore integrated to build a huge variety of applications from web development and task automation to data analysis. Also, there are plenty of ways how to learn Python; you can do self-study, enroll yourself in a Python course or school or watch online tutorials. If you're looking to learn coding Bootcamp Hong Kong, Python is a great place to start and it’s recommended Python for beginners.

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Why learn Python?

Python is one of the most loved programming languages by developers, data scientists,  and software engineers because of its versatility. This makes it a valuable tool for anyone looking to enter or further their career in programming.

1. Python is highly versatile

You can use it for both small and complex tasks, and it is used across many different industries — from its more common applications in data science and software engineering to environments like mobile app development, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. The versatility of Python is due to the wide array of libraries available (over 125,000). Libraries are collections of pre-written code in a particular language that anyone can access. This means that once you’ve learned the basics of Python, you’ll be able to understand and use a huge amount of code developed by other programmers.
Another important aspect of Python is its ability to run with other programming languages. A few common examples of Python implementation with other languages are Jython (Python integrated with Java) and CPython (Python integrated with C). Lastly, Python offers cross-platform functionality, meaning that it will function properly whether you’re working with Windows, Linux, or macOS.

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2. Python developers are in high demand

Due to its popularity and versatility, Python developers are in high demand across a wide range of industries. It has become the preferred language for many leading tech companies, including Google, Facebook, Instagram, and Netflix. Python is also popular in scientific computing, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more. As a result, Python developers are highly sought after by employers across a variety of industries.

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3. Python has a large community

As an open-source language, Python has a large community of developers who contribute to the language that is free to use and distribute. This makes Python more reliable and robust, as there are many people working to improve it. Additionally, the large community means that there is a wealth of resources available to help beginners get started and they are not required to pay for a license.

Although it’s a high-level language, it is recommendable for both beginners and experienced programmers to learn Python from scratch or by taking a Python course because of its versatility, flexibility, and object-oriented features.
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Uses of Python in Businesses

Indeed, the following are the top 10 uses of Python development language in businesses:

Python Usage 1: Web Development

Python is not only one of the most popular programming languages but also one of the most versatile. One area where Python shines is web development.

Python can be used to build web-based servers and applications. There are many well-known sites built using Python including Instagram and Pinterest. Instagram supports its one billion global users using its Python-powered web structure scaled to meet its dynamic and large userbase. Also, Python can be used to develop the back end of a website or application, including sending data to and from servers, processing data, communicating with databases, URL routing, and ensuring security. There are several frameworks for python web development, such as Django and Flask.

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Python Usage 2: Data Science Solutions

One of the most popular applications for Python is data science. Data science is a branch of computer science that deals with the extraction of knowledge from data. It uses various techniques and algorithms to process and analyze data to find patterns and insights. It is easy to learn and has many powerful libraries that can be used for data analysis and visualization.
Python is a perfect tool for shaping data-driven solutions such as Spotify. The app offers an exquisite music streaming experience enabled by features like Discover playlists and smart Radio channels with Python-driven data insights.

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Python Usage 3: Machine Learning Frameworks

Python is not only one of the most popular programming languages but also happens to be very useful for machine learning frameworks. Machine learning is the kind of programming that gives computers the capability to automatically learn from data without being explicitly programmed. This means in other words that these programs change their behaviour by learning from data. There are many different machine learning frameworks available in Python.

One great example of a Python application for machine learning is Uber. Uber uses Python as its primary language and has built a number of powerful algorithms for its drivers and riders using various machine learning and data science frameworks. This has made dealing with Uber extremely smooth and convenient.

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Python Usage 4: Python for Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is one of the Python applications. NLP is a field of computer science and artificial intelligence that deals with analyzing, understanding, and generating human language. Python's extensive library support and active development community make it an ideal choice for working with text data.

Python empowers NLP technology operations such as inputs implemented in Google Home Assistant where commands like "OK Google, play my favorite playlist". Also, NLP with Python can be used to build chatbots. These chatbots can engage in small talk with the user and provide support or information on a requested topic.

NLP is an important tool for anyone who wants to analyze text data. Python makes it easy to get started with NLP because there are many existing libraries, such as NLTK, that can be used to process text data. Python also has a number of built-in features that make it well-suited for NLP tasks, such as string operations and Regular Expressions.

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Python Usage 5: Video Game Development

Video games also make use of Python for special features. This is because Python is easy to learn for beginners and also has powerful libraries that can be used for game development. Some well-known video games that have been created with Python include Battlefield 2, Civilization IV, and Disney’s Toontown Online. Even World of Warcraft makes use of Python for some of its add-ons.

Python is a popular language for creating what is known as “mods” for games. A mod is a player-created modification to a game that can change anything from the graphics to the gameplay. The Python-based Sims 4 lets players make several modifications to its game elements like background, changing character attributes, etc.

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Python Usage 6: Entertainment Applications

Python's popularity in the movie industry has grown exponentially in recent years, due in part to the success of the open-source Blender project.

Blender is a powerful open-source 3D graphics application that can be used to create high-quality animations and visual effects. Blender has been used in numerous Hollywood films, including Spider-Man 2, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, The Wardrobe, and Kung Fu Panda. In addition to its use in feature films, Blender is also frequently used for creating visual effects for television and video games. scripting purposes. Davinci Resolve is a professional video editing and color correction application that is used by many Hollywood filmmakers. As unbelievable as it sounds, the world-class Industrial Light and Magic studio for adding special effects in Hollywood movies founded by George Lucas also utilizes the best of Python in its proprietary lighting software.

The use of Python in the movie industry is not limited to special effects and animation. Python is also widely used for scripting, providing a powerful way to automate repetitive tasks. Python's popularity in the movie industry is likely to continue to grow in the coming years. As more filmmakers and artists discover the power of Python, we can expect to see even more innovative uses of the language in the movie industry.

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Python Usage 7:Computational and Scientific Operations

When it comes to building Numeric and scientific applications/models based on computational logic, Python frameworks and algorithms provide immense aid to developers and data scientists. There are many libraries like NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and more that make Python an ideal choice for computational and scientific operations.

NumPy: NumPy is a Python library that is used for scientific computing. It provides functions for working with arrays and matrices. NumPy also provides mathematical functions like mean, median, mode, etc., that can be applied to arrays and matrices.

Pandas: Pandas is a Python library that is used for data analysis and manipulation. It provides functions for reading and writing data from/to CSV files, Excel files, etc. Pandas also provide functions for performing mathematical operations on data frames (a type of data structure in Pandas).
Matplotlib: Matplotlib is a Python library that is used for data visualization. It provides functions for creating static, animated, and interactive 2D and 3D graphs. Matplotlib can be used to create line plots, bar charts, pie charts, scatter plots, etc.

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Python Usage 8:Graphic Application UI

Python has also shown its caliber as an efficient programming language in building unique, user-friendly and intuitive graphic application UI design. You can use the Python language to create custom controls and graphical displays for your application, which enhances its appeal to users. In order to create a graphic user interface in Python, there are multiple libraries that you can use. However, the most popular and widely used library is known as Tkinter. It is a powerful library that offers a wide range of widgets (buttons, labels, text boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc.) that you can use.

Also, some of the popular Python libraries that are also used for developing graphic applications are PyGame, PyGlet, and PyOpenGL. These libraries provide you with a wide range of functions that you can use to create custom controls and displays for your application. You can also use these libraries to access and update the various controls in your application which gives you more flexibility and control over the user interface of your application.

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Python Usage 9: Blockchain-Enabled Contracts

Blockchain is a distributed database that maintains a growing list of records, called blocks, which are secured using cryptography. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data. Bitcoin, the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, uses a blockchain to track transactions.

Blockchain applications can be used for many different purposes. For example, they can be used to create immutable databases, digital identities, or smart contracts. Python is a great language for developing blockchain applications because it is easy to learn and has many powerful libraries.

Python's original libraries including Pyethereum are leveraged heavily to build smart, secure and encrypted contracts on Ethereum with blockchain technology. Pyethereum library has everything we need to build smart contracts on Ethereum. It includes a contract constructor, functions for interacting with contracts, and libraries for working with cryptographic functions and elliptic curve math.

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Python Usage 10: Finance Fintech Platform

The use of Python in the Fintech sector has been growing exponentially in recent years. Leading finance banks like Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase use Python Fintech platform to train data analysts and trading-specific algorithms for accurate risk assessment. Also, Python is also being used by established financial companies to build new products and services. Goldman Sachs recently announced that it will be using Python to power its new digital banking platform, Marcus.

As the use of Python in Fintech increases, so does the demand for Python developers with financial expertise. If you are looking to get into the exciting world of Fintech, learning Python is a great place to start.

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Practically, in the present scenario, there is no general-purpose high-level programming language that is as prolific and as versatile as Python. In a literal sense, it is unfeasible to dream about developing complex algorithm models and business-quality applications integrated with Data science and machine learning platforms without Python code.

From its numerous benefits and massive potential of using Python in business, it is clear that Python dominates the software development world with its brilliant libraries, modules, and frameworks and is, therefore, the right choice for your team to upskill their professional status. Xccelerate eLearning platform encourages organizations and developer teams to excel at Python programming and join world-class career opportunities. Xccelerate's Python course can help you reach your team's goals and gain expertise in data science as well as machine learning domains.

Coding bootcamp Hong Kong |  Xccelerate Python courses

From introductory to intermediate, Xccelerate provides Python courses with flexible structure and advanced learning models. The python for beginners course trains the beginners to write, run and develop small as well as large applications to be used for diverse business services.

Python-curious learners will become familiar with a range of powerful Python tools and libraries to fuel their development process and manipulate different datasets. The learning platform will help you meet your goals and utilize the best Python language to build competitive data science and ML models.

Learning at Xccelerate will get you the following gains:

  • Advanced and interactive learning experience
  • Flexible course structures built to suit your career goals
  • In-depth understanding of Python and its industry applications
  • Workshop with real-world challenges and resolutions
  • Working knowledge of data science libraries (such as Numpy, Pandas, and Matplotlib)
  • Direct interaction and career guidance from Python instructors
  • World-class faculty of Python instructors and support team