Influence the future
with your experience and talent

Share your expertise. Build your reputation. Impact the next generation. Generate revenue from your knowledge. Become an inaugural mentor with our exclusive program.

Apply to become a mentor

Calling all experts
Become a charter mentor with the leaders of tomorrow

Whats in it for You?
As a mentor you'll be compensated hourly for your time helping the next generation learn crucial skills.
Start mentoring today

Only the highest qualified applicants will make the cut. Become part of an elite group that others aspire to join.


Engage with a community of renowned mentors and make lasting connections. Thrive with like-minded experts.

Professional Development

Share badges and certificates showcasing industry expertise and influence. Add mentoring skills to your LinkedIn profile.


Pass down your valuable knowledge and experience to help cultivate the careers of promising learners.


Earn competitive pay for your remote mentor sessions. Appreciation for the contribution of your insights and guidance.


This opportunity for personal and professional growth is invaluable for staying at the forefront of your career growth.

Mentoring in your
favorite subjects
Xccelerate courses are designed to help you generate income opportunites
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Web Development
UX & UI Design
Monetize your expertise
Blockchain for Product Designers
Blockchain for Developers
Data Science & Machine Learning
The filtering process
We're seeking the top 10% of subject matter experts like you to join our exclusive mentorship program.
Basic Check
Skills Test
Project Proposal
Team Fit
Final Selection
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We're seeking the top 10% of subject matter experts like you to join our exclusive mentorship program.
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Intro Video
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Frequently Asked Questions

If you still have questions or you're unsure about which course is right for you, send us an email or schedule a free call to find out more.

What is Sentinel Network?

Sentinel Network is a platform developed by Xccelerate that connects mentors in the tech fields of Data Science, UX/UI Design, and Web Development with students from our Live Group and Solo Courses, as well as premium users of our All Access courses platform. It enables mentors to share their expertise and guide students in their learning journey.

Who can become a mentor on Sentinel Network?

Experienced professionals in the fields of Data Science, UX/UI Design, and Web Development can apply to become mentors on Sentinel Network. We look for individuals with a strong background and a passion for teaching and mentoring to support our students' growth and development.

What are the benefits of being a mentor on Sentinel Network?

As a mentor on Sentinel Network, you have the opportunity to make a significant impact on students' learning and career paths. You can share your knowledge, provide guidance, and contribute to the growth of the next generation of tech professionals. Mentors also gain exposure and recognition within the Xccelerate community.

How does the mentor matching process work?

The mentor matching process on Sentinel Network is designed to ensure compatibility and maximize the learning experience. When students or premium users express their interest in mentorship, we consider their goals, experience level, and specific learning needs. Mentors are then matched based on their expertise and availability to provide personalized guidance.

What are the expectations and responsibilities of a mentor?

As a mentor, you will be expected to dedicate a certain amount of time each week to provide guidance and support to your assigned mentees. This includes answering questions, reviewing projects, providing feedback, and offering industry insights. You will also have the opportunity to set goals and milestones for your mentees to ensure their progress.

Is mentoring conducted online or in-person?

Mentoring on Sentinel Network is conducted entirely online. Through our platform, mentors and mentees can communicate, share files, and collaborate remotely. This allows for flexibility and enables mentors to engage with students regardless of their geographical location.

Is mentorship a paid opportunity?

Yes, mentorship on Sentinel Network is a paid opportunity. We value the expertise and time our mentors invest in supporting our students' growth and development. Details regarding compensation and payment structure can be discussed during the mentor onboarding process.

What resources and support are available for mentors?

As a mentor on Sentinel Network, you will have access to a range of resources and support. This includes a dedicated mentor dashboard, communication tools, and a knowledge base. Additionally, our support team is available to assist with any platform-related queries or concerns you may have.

Can I mentor students in multiple tech fields?

Yes, if you have expertise in multiple tech fields, you can indicate your areas of proficiency during the mentor application process. This allows us to match you with mentees who are seeking guidance in those specific areas.

How do I apply to become a mentor on Sentinel Network?

To apply to become a mentor on Sentinel Network, you can visit our website and navigate to the mentor application page. There, you will find a form to fill out with your relevant information and details about your experience. Our team will review your application, and if selected, we will reach out to you with further instructions.