Xccelerate Stories: UX as an Intersection for Design Passions

Kay Hui
January 23, 2021
Last updated on
June 26, 2024


Erika was a 3D artist working in an architectural company. However, the repetitive routine was not the thing she wanted. Looking for a more collaborative working environment to pursue her passion for design, she reached out to Xccelerate for a UX Design course.

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Thank you for coming to today’s interview, Erika! Would you mind sharing your background before joining our courses with us?

I was working as a 3D artist in an architectural company.  After almost two years, I just quited as I wanted to work in a more collaborative way.  I want to solve different challenges while staying in design. My sister is an UX designer as well and she told me, "Why don't you try this(UX Design)?" So I joined a programme in Munich. After that, I just came to Hong Kong.

Also Read: Can You Transit into UX from Another Job?

What made you decide to join Xccelerate’s course?

I wanted to come to Hong Kong and work here. When I found Xccelerate, It was like the best UX academy in Hong Kong. So I was like "Just give it a try!". I was working with just the 3D designer team in my previous position. Here in Xccelerate, it’s more like, you work with all departments and stakeholders. We are sharing insights and ideas together. Every challenge,every problem is really different.

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Can you describe 1 thing you enjoyed the most during your learning in Xccelerate?

So we are working on two projects. One is to create a platform to improve the communication between therapists and kids. It's really nice. We even chatted with the client. It feels like a real project. The client is very happy with the result. He wants to keep working with us in the future.

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How was the learning experience going so far?

The atmosphere here is like you are just hanging out with friends. We talk about Xccelerate, UX design and the projects. As I was completely alone here in Hong Kong, I was so glad that I was able to meet people that are involved in UX Design in Xccelerate.

Everyone is just really supportive. The mentors were just asking me “Can you hear properly? You can see properly?” It feels like we’re friends instead of just teachers and students in a classroom.

Also Read: 8 Things You Must Know About UX

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What is your next step(s) in your career path?

I really want to keep improving in UX design and be a professional UX designer here in Hong Kong.

Also Read: How to Become a UX Designer in Hong Kong

Thank You!

Erika’s story is a reminder for us how important it is for us to follow our personality traits and discover the most suitable career path to pursue. Working style matters a lot in boosting your job satisfaction.

If you’re interested in the tech world or UX Design industry, contact us for a 1-1 career consultation with our professional team!

Xccelerate UX/UI Design Course