Xccelerate Stories: Career plateau led to a completely new career path in Data field

Xccelerate HK
July 12, 2021
Last updated on
March 13, 2024

"I was able to learn a lot from my coursemates and there were no feelings of competitiveness between us at all. We would help and support each other enthusiastically." - Alex Lee, Data Science & Machine Learning Graduate (Cohort 12)

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Can you tell us about the motivation behind your career switch?

I was working in sales for over two years. Although it paid well and my working hours were flexible, I hit a plateau in my career. I didn't see a future for myself continuing to work in sales in the next five to ten years. From then on, I realized I should invest in another career path that would be more suitable for me.

What made you want to join a coding bootcamp?

My friend went through a similar journey as me. He graduated from a web development bootcamp and is now working as a full-stack developer at a tech start-up. He advised me to complete an IT bootcamp if I was serious about switching career paths.

What were some of your expectations before joining Xccelerate?

I had friends who graduated from Xccelerate’s bootcamps. At first, I thought the syllabus and structure would be very intense. And you had to be very well disciplined to go through the heavier content. However, it was very different compared to my expectations, the level of difficulty was acceptable, and the learning pace was well balanced.

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What was the learning environment and culture like at Xccelerate?

All the students were in the same boat - we were a bit overwhelmed with all the learning materials. However, Xccelerate has a very supportive and positive learning environment. The instructors would encourage us to work with each other instead of giving us the answers all the time. I was able to learn a lot from my coursemates, and there were no feelings of competitiveness between us at all. We would help and support each other enthusiastically.

What is the main difference between the learning experience here at Xccelerate in comparison to

The learning environment is very productive and supportive. Compared to other fields, people often don't have the patience to help their peers and colleagues, as there would generally be a sense of competition between them. Here at Xccelerate, everyone is willing to share and help each other out without any complaints. It is because we all want each other to succeed and fully understand the skills and concepts needed for a tech career.

Thank you Alex!


Bootcamps are a great way to increase your skills in a shorter amount of time. The IT industry is continuously thriving, and if you’re serious about changing career paths, Xccelerate would love to start this journey with you! Check out our full-time tech bootcamps. Learn more about our Data Science & Machine Learning instructor with 10+ years of experience in the field and has taught 2500+ students - Read his story!

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